
Conference is the place where various people from all the areas meet , discuss and debate about the upcoming topics happening in and around them. Diabetes World is going to organize many upcoming international conferences in Asia pacific in 2025 . So , this is a great opportunity for scientists , researchers , scholars , doctors , advocates and various other professionals to get to meet and know each other in the upcoming medical/science conferences 2025.
The rise in the rate of diabetic patients across the globe has coincided with the rise in diabetes complications. Diabetes complications are of real concern in most countries due to poor diabetes treatment, whether due to a lack of knowledge, limited access to care, or undiagnosed conditions. This Diabetes World will give an insight into the latest research, treatments, and tools to treat, manage, and prevent diabetes complications. The main objective is to improve diabetic patient's quality of life.Read More...

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  • Scopus preview - Scopus - Welcome to Scopus
  • Diabetesworld.net
  • Thomson Reuters: Clarifying the complex | Thomson Reuters
  • Diabetesworld.net
  • Diabetesworld.net

Opportunity to be a part of Diabetes World:

Medical Conferences are useful as they increase interaction between medical professionals, inform each other on how to apply these advancing technologies, and increase opportunities to improve in presentation and communication skills. It can become a huge stepping stone in your career. 

Today, most doctors, physicians, professors, and medical practitioners attend conferences as a way to network and share their expertise. For research students and professors, a conference can become a huge knowledge bank.

By hearing from experts and medical professionals in your field you will uncover what is working for them, the process they implemented, the effectiveness of the treatment, and much more.


Dr. Mostafa Norizadeh Tazehkand

Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,Faculty of Pharmacy, BulentEcevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey



Dr. Vahid Nikoui

School of Management and Economics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Healthcare MBA



Azimova Bahtigul

Associate Professor, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan

Jayendrakumar Patel

Chief Executive Officer & Director, Pyrrhic Pharma Private Limited, India

Chwan-Li (Leslie) Shen

Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Pathology, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
